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My Eureka Moment Came When I Discovered Global Accelerex – Arit Odoh, Arytgrins Int’l

My Eureka Moment Came When I Discovered Global Accelerex – Arit Odoh, Arytgrins Int’l

Some of the most significant things in life will only be discovered when you find yourself seemingly lost in a maze. The funny thing is that you may never really know there is something missing until you find it. While waiting, there is that tendency to get comfortable with what is available, not knowing there could be more.

Bringing it down to business, every entrepreneur knows that the lifeblood of business operations is receiving payments from customers. After all, the purpose of doing business is to make money, right? If customers find it difficult to pay you for goods and services, they could as well go elsewhere, especially in 2020 when the ease of doing business has become a fad.

Given the fact that the Nigerian digital payment space seems to be saturated, the natural assumption would be that customers do not have fresh e-payment needs. When you hear about all the popular names in the fintech space, the likelihood is to think they are actually the biggest and most effective.

I used to think the same way too until I discovered Global Accelerex.

It was the late American historian, Daniel J. Boorstin, that once said, “the greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.” I was caught in that trap till I decided to have a detailed audit of my business. I decided to question everything I knew about all aspects of my small operations, as that was the only way to scale it.

To be honest, I was not actually looking out for a magic wand when I came across Global Accelerex. I just wanted to inject new possibilities into my business. And then, when I got to know about the company, my interest was piqued, and I decided to dig deeper.

After some weeks of nosing around and experimenting with its platforms and products, I came up with my findings.

You must have heard that expression about something being the best kept secret in an industry. Well, let’s just say that this was what I found out about Global Accelerex.

I was shocked to discover that some of the groundbreaking technological advancements in the fintech industry were actually developed by the fintech company. Some of them are branded with their name while some others were custom-made for clients.

Global Accelerex is a brand that has been trusted consistently for years by over 90,000 merchants. The company’s suite of products and services comprises flexible e-payment solutions, including its recently launched Payment Gateway, Retail Payments, Agency Banking and much more. As the company’s latest convert, since I started using its payment products, it has become much easier to receive payments from my customers, compared to the past.



A pan-African organization with a wide reach across Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya, the company has a passion for solving real business problems, thereby empowering businesses to grow. If anyone should be in a better position to talk about this, I am. Thanks to Global Accelerex, I was able to organize my operations better and also manage my inventory without stress. This helped to scale my business, as I could easily determine my reorder level without running out of stock.

Owing to its avowed commitment to sterling customer support, Global Accelerex also provides unrivalled customer service to its teeming merchants and partners through its Service Centre Representatives. From the information available to me, it was one of the first companies in the fintech industry to establish a Service Center because of the premium it places on customer satisfaction. This is in addition to its Field Response Teams spread across its seven regional offices in Nigeria that are always on standby to assist customers.

My business benefited greatly from this. In the early days when I needed handholding, its Service Centre Representatives were always available on the phone to walk me through any process. At some point, a member of its Field Response Team showed up at my office to follow up on a request I sent on the support email address. I found all of them to be very courteous and empathetic.



What’s more? For a company that has processed transactions in excess of N2 trillion, there is no doubt that it is a very reliable alternative to the many disappointing experiences merchants and retailers face while trying to receive payments. This effort has not gone unnoticed. In recognition of its exceptional performance in the Nigerian e-payment ecosystem, the Central Bank of Nigeria bestowed on Global Accelerex the Cashless Driver Award in 2019.

Other accolades include Innovation in Financial Inclusion Award, 2019; Customer-Focused ICT Company of the Year, 2019; Payment Terminal Service Provider (PTSP) of the Year and Payment Solutions Service Provider (PSSP) Awards in 2017, 2018 and 2019; and Fintech Company of the Year in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

According to Latin Canonical Poet, Ovid, “the cause is hidden but the effect is visible to all.” If you have ever used a digital payment platform in Nigeria, there is every chance that a part of it was enabled by the innovative thinking at Global Accelerex. The company might have chosen to build in silence all this while, but everyone sees the results of its solution-driven products.

And just like the former me, if you are currently trapped in that illusion of knowledge that makes you believe some of the most popular fintech companies you hear about every day are the most innovative and reliable, you might want to come on a journey of discovery with me.


Arit Odoh,

MD/CEO, Arytgrins Int’l

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